By Staff, 4MyCanada

More than 15,000 people rallied on May 12th at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada, for the National March for Life. This included several thousand young people.
Every year the event marks the passage of former Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau’s infamous “Omnibus Bill,” which paved the way for abortion-on-demand in Canada. Currently there are no laws restricting abortion in Canada, which means that a woman could get an abortion right up to the moment of birth. Legally, in Canada, an unborn child is not considered a human until it has fully proceeded from it’s mother’s womb. To watch a video on abortion statistics in Canada, click here.
In a recent Lifesite news article, David Cereit, the charismatic head of the wildly successful 40 Days for Life campaign, flew from Washington for the event and shared some important points:
“To date over 400,000 individuals have participated in 40 Days for Life campaigns, dozens of abortion workers have left their jobs thanks to the 40 Days campaigns, and thousands of babies and their mothers have been saved from abortion. “All those results came about because of an hour of prayer and an initial ‘yes,’” said Bereit. “And today as you gather here on Parliament Hill, you have time to pray and discern your call to this most important movement of our generation. And my question is, ‘Will you say yes to life?’” The response was a resounding affirmative.”

Action steps for Canadians
1. Pray. Currently the Federal government has said they would not re-open the abortion debate. Their hearts can change through prayer. To download Bound4Life’s prayer booklet, click here.
2. Send your MP, the Prime Minister and Justice Minister Robert Nicholson a hand written letter sharing your concern about the lack of restrictions on abortion. For free postage mail the letter to this address with the appropriate name: 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2. To find your MP by postal code click here.
3. For those living in Ontario, the first ever “defund abortion” rally will be held at Queen’s Park in Toronto on Saturday, September 17th. (More than 80 million Canadian taxpayer dollars are allocated toward funding abortions.) Stay tuned for more info at Campaign Life Coalition.
Originally published on the 4MyCanada newsletter, May 2011.
Used with permission. Copyright © 2011 Acts News Network.