By Paul Hutchins
Discoveries made by NASA in 2004 appear to confirm the Genesis account of planet formation to be scientifically accurate and may help close the gap of controversy between today’s science and the Bible’s simple record of creation.
NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer Telescopes discovered locations in our Milky Way Galaxy in 2004, where infant stars are born and mature. Enveloped around these young stars were “proto-planetary dust clouds,” which scientists say are the materials from which planets are made. Scientists have observed that young stars have huge reservoirs of planet-building materials while more mature stars have less dust around them, as the dust coalesces over time to create planets.
In this process planets are born from a formless chaotic state in total darkness obscured from their sun. As the planet matures and sucks up all the dust, light slowly emerges, at first as diffused light upon the planet corresponding to day one of Genesis, and later as direct sun light as things clear up, corresponding to day four.
Spitzer turned its ultra-sensitive infrared spectrograph instrument toward five young stars in the constellation Taurus. These stars are still surrounded by thick, dusty discs – relics of the gravitational collapse that formed them only a few million years ago. What was observed appears to fit the Genesis description of the Earth in its early years.
The account of creation as per Genesis 1:2 states, “Now the earth proved to be formless and waste, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep.” Based on these discoveries, during its early formation phase the earth would have literally fit the description of being without form and in darkness, and in its later phase the earth was covered with water for a time before land appeared.
NASA’s scientists have discovered that as planets mature inside their chaotic dusty cocoon they gradually suck up all the dust between them and the sun so that the planets slowly emerge from darkness into the light.
The account of creation as per Genesis 1:3 states, “Let there be light,” and there was light. As the earth matured it would have emerged from a long period of darkness replaced with gradual light.
Older Sun-like stars studied by Spitzer average four billion years old, nearly the same age as our Sun with known planets, and were found with Kuiper Belt-like debris discs. These discs are ten to 100 times thinner than the ones around young stars, and about 100 times fainter than the young stars imaged by Hubble, and about 100 times brighter.
NASA produced videos and data obtained from the combined discoveries by Hubble and Spitzer simulate Genesis simple description of how the Earth was formed when you stitch all the data together, according to armature astronomer and author Paul Hutchins.
Research Hutchins has done on the Hubble and Spitzer discoveries lead him to write the book, “Hubble Reveals Creation by an Awe-Inspiring Power” which details how the genesis account and NASA discoveries parallel each other.
Hutchins research of the original Hebrew wording in Genesis lead him to conclude that Genesis, read in its original Hebrew would reveal that the six creative days are not literal 24 hour days but rather six unspecified periods of development the earth underwent which agrees with today’s science.
Also that the Sun and stars were already present at the time of Earth’s creation, becoming visible from earth only after the dust was sucked up by the planets, further showing a connection between the Bible’s account and NASA’s observations.
He says, “When many read the Genesis account in their native tongue, such as English, they perceive that it says God created the earth in six literal days, and that the sun, moon, and stars were created after the earth, which conflicts with today’s scientific evidence.
“The truth is that when you examine Genesis 1:1-3, & 16 in the context of its original Hebrew language a completely different picture emerges from today’s common perception.”
The six creative days appear to represent six unspecified periods of time with each being of considerable length, and not six literal 24 hour days. In the scriptures, the Hebrew word for “day” (‘yohm’) is often used in a literal, figurative, or even symbolic sense depending on the context.
In Genesis 2:4 all the creative periods are called one “day,” indicating that the expression day in Genesis is not limited to a 24-hour period. When examined in this original Hebrew context, the Bible’s description in Genesis does not conflict with science, but lines up perfectly with the discoveries of NASA’s telescopes regarding star and planet formation.
“When reading Genesis, today’s reader must keep in mind that 35 hundred years ago there was no need to give specific scientific details to a people who had no knowledge of science, or astronomy. It is through today’s technology that we are now getting the details of this complex event and it appears they match Genesis simple outline of creation.”
Comparison of Genesis to NASA discoveries:
Genesis 1:1 Universe formed: “In the beginning God Created (“bara”) Heaven and Earth” (Hebrew “bara” “means bring into tangible existence”).
NASA discovery: Universe had beginning and formed over 14 billion years in the same order as recorded in Genesis – stars, galaxies, then planets.
Genesis 1:2 Description of planet-forming process: “Now the Earth proved to be formless and waste and darkness was upon the surface of the watery deep.”
NASA discovery: Planets form from a chaotic state of rock and debris crashing together in proto-planetary disc around infant stars. During its early formation phase over billions of years, Earth would have been without form and in darkness, and in its later phase the earth was covered completely with water for a time till land appeared.
Genesis 1:3 Day One: Diffused light from already existing sun filters through to earth. “Let there be light,” (‘ohr’) and there was light (‘ohr’). (The Hebrew word here used for “light” is ‘ohr, meaning light in a general sense).
NASA discovery: Hubble and Spitzer have observed proto-planetary disc gradually fade over time which would have allowed, for a time, only diffused light (not direct sun light) from the sun to gradually penetrate earth’s dense cloud mass corresponding to Day One of Genesis.
Genesis 1:16 Day Four: Sun, moon and stars made visible from earth – not created! “And God proceeded to make (‛a•sah’) the two great luminaries (ma•’ohr), the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars.” (The Hebrew word ‘a•sah’ does not mean to create as with ‘bara’ but rather to prepare or bring forth.) The Hebrew word ma•’ohr′, means the source of the light.
NASA discovery: Hubble and Spitzer have observed, as planets mature they suck up most of the dust, leaving a small amount of debris like the Kuiper Belt in our solar system. With most of the dust gone in earth’s case, it allowed the sun, moon, and stars that already existed, to be visible from an earthly standpoint in its mature stage of development allowing Earth’s atmosphere to become clearer to distinguish between these sources of already existing light, corresponding to Day Four of Genesis.
Paul Hutchins can be contacted at 407-506-9000.
Originally posted on Christian Newswire, November 2, 2011.
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