By Marney Blom
Air raid sirens sounded once again across Israel yesterday.
Upon hearing the alarm, I dashed into the safe room of my apartment, closed the heavy metal door behind me, and then the three separate layers of the sealed window. Once secured, the room instantly became thick with darkness. No cracks or openings allow for any rays of light to filter in.
My mind raced as I switched on the fluorescent bulb, “Could this be another Hamas missile attack on Jerusalem? Or was it simply a precautionary exercise that I hadn’t been aware of?”
I took comfort in the fact that my safe room was well stocked with water and a box full of edibles – including high caloric comfort food I wouldn’t normally purchase. At least I wasn’t going to starve any time soon.
Then almost as quickly as the alarm sounded, it faded off. False alarm, yet another drill. I learned later that this particular one-and-a half minute exercise was aimed at improving the readiness of Israeli students, school children and those of other educational institutions, to massive missile fire on Israel.
Yesterday’s war-preparedness drill along with a “Level C” terrorist attack alert issued earlier in the week – requiring the second-highest level of readiness, reflects the stark reality of the region. Israel has no option but to keep drilling the nation and remaining vigilant.
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