By Marney Blom
US President Barack Obama made his historic visit to Israel today.
“I know stepping foot on this land I walk with you, on the historic homeland of the Jewish people, where three thousand years ago the Jewish people lived here, attended the land here and prayed to God here,” said Obama above the cacophony of snapping photographers – both foreign and Israeli.
So began two full days of photo-ops of the second term US president, hosted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, newly sworn in just 48 hours ago.
Before the day’s end, Netanyahu and Obama will engage in what one Israeli official called “the epicenter of the entire visit” – a five hour marathon of discussions touching on topics such as the Peace Process, the escalating Syrian crisis and nuclear Iran.
How do Israeli’s feel about the American president’s visit?
“I am for President Obama’s visit,” said Moshe Shneider, a student living in the Gush Etzion settlement block. “However, if peace would mean for Israelis to give away their home, obviously I am not for it.”
“If there is any chance to start direct negotiations between Palestine and Israel, I would [have] hope,” said Lee Caspi. “I don’t think he is just coming to say ‘hi’ to Bibi and have ice cream.”
Not all Israelis, however, are as optimistic.
“I see [Obama’s visit] as a purely political maneuver,” suggested Zipporah Bennett, a composer in Jerusalem. “After all his name is Barack Hussein Obama … and he has already made very clear his leanings in pushing Israel to the very edge of compromise with the Palestinians.”