By Marney Blom
Late last week I attended a press briefing conducted by the Israeli police spokesperson, in preparation for the Jerusalem Day “Dance of the Flags” march. New security measures were to be implemented in response to the clashes that had tarnished last year’s march. Stone throwing by Arab Palestinians, and flared tempers by both Arab spectators and Jewish march participants had left several police officers and a French television cameraman injured at the Damascus Gate entrance of the Muslim quarter of the Old City.
Chief Inspector Micky Rosenfeld, foreign press spokesman for the Israel Police, informed us that five new media areas would be strategically positioned at the Damascus Gate and along Hagai Street, the artery of the march running through the Muslim quarter. Even with the newly enforced security measures in place, the organization Ir Amin (“City of Nations”) petitioned the High Court Justice, albeit unsuccessfully, to re-route the procession to avoid the Muslim quarter.

This year, however, the Jerusalem Day march proceeded without incident. With over 2,000 police officers patrolling the route, more than 30,000 predominantly religious Zionist youth marched the streets waving flags and banners while singing and dancing in exuberant celebration. The procession ended at the Western Wall plaza where it spilled into an already over-capacity crowd. Although it was barely possible to move among the tens of thousands of jubilant flag-bearing Israelis, it was very easy to get swept up by the atmosphere of joy and celebration.
It has been 49 years since the miracle of Jerusalem’s reunification, yet the children of Israel continue to mark this day with a dance of victory.
Marney Blom is news director for the Acts News Network.
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