Rewriting history – part 1
First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders from across Canada unite for the first time to heal historic wounds and birth…
Hope springs up
An ancient spring resurfacing near Fort York, Toronto’s historic birthplace, is coinciding with a city-wide prayer focus. Christian believers are…
The writing is on the wall
Christians are getting caught in the crossfire of escalating anti-Semitism in Canada.
Toronto – a sign of what is to come
The Dalai Lama’s visit to Toronto provokes the city’s Christians to a 12-day, round-the-clock prayer and worship meeting, with miraculous…
Music from heaven
Ruth Fazal’s first major orchestral piece, Oratorio Terezin, poignantly portrays the Holocaust through children’s eyes, and reminds Christians to stand…
The gatekeepers – part 1
Canada’s First Nations and indigenous believers are reconciling with non-native Canada and retaking their role as gatekeepers of the nation.
The gatekeepers – part 2
Canada’s First Nations and indigenous believers are reconciling with non-native Canada and retaking their role as gatekeepers of the nation.