Star of Bethlehem
Scholars debate whether the Star of Bethlehem is a legend created by the early church or a miracle that marked…
Israel: IDF going green with Forest Security
The Israel Defense Forces plan to obstruct incoming anti-tank missiles and mortars with trees between the Gaza strip and nearby…
Canada: Election 2011 a seismic shift
The May 2, 2011 Canadian general election can be described as probably the most transformative since Canada was established on…
Canada: Harper’s Conservatives win majority government
History made as Liberal Party slumps to third, Bloc Québécois decimated, NDP rises to official opposition and Conservatives gain majority…
Israel: Iron Dome defense system delivers speedy dividends
Defense shield successfully quenches Gaza-fired Grad rockets within four years of commissioning.
Israel: Palestinian refugee camps reminiscent of a “time warp”
Palestinians continue to live as refugees and perpetuate the idea that one day they will return to their pre-67 villages…
Canada: Why I am proud to support Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party
““Harper's actions have shifted the entire paradigm in Canadian politics to a point where support for Israel now goes unquestioned….”