Bible Prophecy comes to life in the City of David
The honor of being identified as ancient Biblical Jerusalem is given to the City of David, whose excavations are proving…
The honor of being identified as ancient Biblical Jerusalem is given to the City of David, whose excavations are proving…
Eli Shukron tells Israel Today the Jewish Temple was on the Temple Mount, not in the City of David.
During the excavations in the City of David, structures dating back over 2,600 years were unearthed after being extricated from…
Archaeologists are uncovering the original city and telling others its amazing story.
A stone bowl engraved with a rare Hebrew inscription – “Hyrcanus” – dating to the Hasmonean period was discovered in…
A fascinating discovery recently uncovered at the City of David, has apparently led to the location of the Greek (Seleucid)…
While not complete, the inscription presents the name of a seventh century BCE figure, providing a connection to the people…